7 Frame NUC White Medium Super
7 Frame NUC White Medium Super
7 Frame NUC White Medium Super
7 Frame NUC White Medium Super

7 Frame NUC White Medium Super

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We now have a brand new product in our 7 frame system! Perfect for the beekeepers who don't want to lift heavy boxes, our new 7 frame medium supers are about 50% lighter when filled with honey, compared to 10 frame deep supers. They come with latches and handles, making it even easier to carry.

They are available with 2 frame options:

  • 7 Mann Lake Medium Assembled Wooden Frames with Waxed Rite-Cell Foundation

  • No frames (For those that have plenty of frames)

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Casey HInkle
Awesome build quality and the White coloring is so much better than the tan

After using Apimaye hives for the past few years, build quality is right on point, but man I wish I could have gotten white years ago because they look so much better and I feel more comfortable with the white in the sun to reflect some of those rays to keep things cooler. You can never go wrong on the Apimaye hives for build, ease of use, and worth the investment.

Durable yet flexible.

Similar to the durabdility of all Apimaye products purchased so far, this durable item seems to be the perfect fit for a plan to harvest honey in comb. By cutting out the center of the foundation in each of the seven wooden frames, leaving a half inch wide window frame of foundation as a starter, and with additional wax painted onto the newly created foundation frame, it is anticipated that comb and honey will be filled in by the bees. With the window space measuring 4x16 inches, four squares of honey with comb should be harvestable from each frame, unless the bees have other ideas.
A queen excluder, ordered at the same time, has also proven promising since feeder trays were installed above the medium super and the queen excluder below the medium super to encourage bees to pass through the excluder to reach syrup, which they did without problem. Feeders will be removed once nectar is flowing and, hoepfully, the bees will continue to pass through the queen excluder.
An experiment last year to split the hive by installing a fitted aluminium plate between two hive bodies, installing a new queen via slow release along with capped brood in the upper body, and turning the upper hive body 180 degrees, proved successful.

Bill McNeil

I purchased the 7 frame queen hive and also 2 extra supers. All are made very well, really like how well they are put together

Rise N Shine
High quality

I was advised to get 3 of these to go on top of the 7 frame deep. I didn't buy the frames with it instead I got foundationless frames. It all locks together perfectly

I use (and love) the 7-frame system.

1. I use the 7-frame hives because they are easy for me to handle.

2. Also, the 7-frame system results in a better honey harvest for me. After the bees fill the bottom 14 frames, then I can add another 7-frame deep or medium for honey, depending on the colony strength. I can essentially always get honey with this system, while I was not able to with the 10 frames.

And again, the 7-frame boxes are just a pleasure to work with.

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