Apimaye Defender Queen Hive - Apimaye
Apimaye Defender Queen Hive - Showing individual hive components-Apimaye

Apimaye Defender Queen Hive

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Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Mark Doyle
I like these hives

I go to Florida from Dec thru April. I Leave the bees on their own. I Left 7 frame hive in 2 colony configuration with a deep super all winter. Both colonies survived the Maine winter. I have purchased 3 Ergo hives this summer and am looking forward to all of them living through winter. Issues I have had are you don't use the hive tool the same way to separate boxes. I put the tool at the corner using it's side and lever the box up. Ants get into the feeder easily but do not seem to bother the bees. If you want to use Formic pro you have to remove 3 screws and the entrance reducer. I replace it with hardware cloth to maintain ventilation but prevent robbers and wasps from getting in. Animate has been very responsive to questions I have asked.

Aaron Shelton
Very nice

I really like this queen hive. I can’t wait to get a few more of them.

mathew turner
best results

i have been beekeeping for 7 years now, the apimaye is the first hive that has made it through the winter for me, results speak for themselves, best hive around, highly recommend if you can afford.

Kevin Polk
Nucleus Colony Creation Hive (aka, Defender Queen Hive)

These hives are NOT expensive if you use them to create and sell nucleus colonies. Plus, while creating nucleus colonies, you will always have a spare queen when you need one for your honey-production hives. That means you never have to spend $$ on a new queen.

I know there are other ways of using the Defender Hive, but the nucleus-colony production method described by John C. below is easy and rewarding.

John Coleman
How I use the Defender

Apimaye Queen Defender method:

1. remove dividers, create one 10 frame brood chamber, close entrances.
2. Take 16 halves, 8 connectors, make 8 long frames. For strength, tie the 3 pieces with a zip tie.
3. 8 frames go in 1-4 and 7-10 slots, 2 open slots in the center. No Foundation needed.
4. Take two brood frames with queen from a strong hive, place them in 5 and 6 of the Defender, or use ten joined frames, installing a standard package + queen.
5. Fill all four feeders with 1:1 syrup.
6. next AM, open all four round entrances for the future 4 chambers. the landing board type entrances are too close for my comfort, and future returning queens could enter the wrong colony.
7. In 3 or more days, (it’s good to leave the colony to build to a good population, up to several weeks) inspect for new eggs. If there are new eggs in new comb in at least 4 half frames, remove the queen and her 2 original frames, separate all the frames, add the dividers assuring the discs are all in the closed position, and distribute the egg frames evenly among the four chambers. The 2 center frames and queen can be placed in their own nuc.
8. In 4-5 days after removal of the queen, check for new queen cells. Distribute them evenly between all 4 chambers.
9. 30 days from the split, check for newly mated laying queens and eggs in each chamber. As each queen “proves” her fertility, remove her to a new split. The workers will again produce a new queen from left back eggs.
10. Repeat from 9.

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